Mujeeb Arshad,英国伍尔弗汉普顿的开发人员
Mujeeb is available for hire
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Mujeeb Arshad

Verified Expert  in Engineering



Mujeeb在全栈开发方面有五年的经验, 专攻Ruby on Rails, React, Node.js、SQL、Neo4j和D3.js. 他专注于为SaaS集成企业解决方案, IT服务管理, 和电子商务应用. At EZO, 他开发的产品特性被NASA采用, Microsoft, iRobot, Nintendo, HBO, BBC, and Netflix. Mujeeb also built features for the company's AssetSonar product, 订阅量增加了50倍.


D3.js, Ruby on Rails (RoR), JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Stimulus...
JavaScript, Node.. js, Stripe, MySQL, EJS, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)...
Medtryck Sverige
Ruby on Rails (RoR), PostgreSQL, MySQL, Neo4j, Express.js, React, SQL...





Slack, Notion, MacOS, Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Sublime Text, Nano

The most amazing...

...features I've developed were for an IT服务管理 platform, 是什么让订阅量在两年内从5个增加到250多个.

Work Experience


2023 - 2023
  • Designed architecture for the authorization and authentication of the users linking with the graphs.
  • Restructured the existing complex design of roles and teams to scalable solutions.
  • 使用D3进行图形和节点的可视化.js.
Technologies: D3.js, Ruby on Rails (RoR), JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Stimulus, Unit Testing, 集成测试, Architecture, 前端开发, Front-end, Webpack, Figma, 响应的布局, 后端开发, 后端架构, UX Design, Dry-rb, AWS Lambda, 数据库管理, New Relic, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Semantic UI, 内容管理系统(CMS), Agile, Project Scoping, 软件故障诊断, 系统集成, 软件开发, Estimations, Slim, Sass, Pixel Perfect


2022 - 2023
  • 跟踪并修复了自动循环付款中的错误. I also improved the existing auto-recurring payment flow and made changes to make it scalable.
  • 修复了分条用户数据库数据不一致的问题. 数据好坏参半, something I resolved by fetching the payment information of the required users from Stripe.
  • Renewed expired and broken SSL certificates related to our payment system.
技术:JavaScript, Node.. js, Stripe, MySQL, EJS, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), React Native, SSL Certificates, Webhooks, 跨平台应用开发, 移动应用开发, 前端开发, Front-end, 响应的布局, 后端开发, 后端架构, Integration, Dry-rb, 数据库管理, 软件故障诊断, 软件开发, eCommerce


2022 - 2023
Medtryck Sverige
  • Implemented SaaS-based features for the eCommerce product, including group access and authorization.
  • Restructured the authentication module and added an extra layer of security.
  • Developed the product and a variants module to handle product variants seamlessly.
  • Provided system design solutions to overcome scalability and high-availability challenges.
  • 参与代码审查和技术讨论.
  • 致力于从版本4迁移到Rails.版本2到版本7,包括升级宝石.
  • 设计并执行MySQL到Neo4j的迁移.
  • 将React Material Design (MUI)版本4升级到版本5.
  • Optimized and increased REST API performance by fixing Neo4j slow queries.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), PostgreSQL, MySQL, Neo4j, Express.js, React, SQL, JavaScript, REST, Ruby, Ruby on Rails 4, Ruby on Rails 6, APIs, HTML, Web Development, Back-end, Git, Graph Databases, Microservices, React Native, Node.js, Docker, API Development, API Integration, Ruby on Rails API, REST APIs, Bootstrap, Full-stack, Redis, Elasticsearch, CSS, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), Code Review, Stripe, RSpec, Stripe API, Stripe Checkout, 完整的开发, JSON, Heroku, Sequelize, Redux, Databases, Database Design, NoSQL, Team Management, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Leadership, GitHub, Upgrades, CoffeeScript, Handlebars, Sidekiq, Tailwind CSS, Webhooks, Architecture, 前端开发, Front-end, Webpack, Rollup.js, OAuth, 响应的布局, 后端开发, 后端架构, Material UI, CSV, Haml, Cypress, Jest, UX Design, PDF, Dry-rb, NestJS, AWS Lambda, TypeORM, Email Protocols, 数据库管理, OpenAI Gym, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Semantic UI, 内容管理系统(CMS), ChatGPT, OpenAI GPT-4 API, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Agile, Mentorship, 技术领导, Project Scoping, 软件故障诊断, Next.js, 系统集成, App Integration, B2B, 软件开发, eCommerce, Slim, Sass


2021 - 2022
  • Worked on designing scalable systems that ensured high availability and improved application performance.
  • Developed features like the configuration management database (CMDB) module that caused a rapid increase in application subscriptions.
  • Redesigned and improved SCIM integration that instantly improved user integrations and increased security for company clients like Netflix, NASA, Microsoft, and others.
  • 设计体系结构并开发第三方集成, including SCCM, G Suite, and Okta, 从G Suite获取云软件, Azure AD, and Jira.
  • 参与定期的代码评审和设计讨论.
  • Received an award in 2021 for being the most "Dedicated Engineer" for my work on developing the CMDB module and mobile application.
技术:Ruby, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby on Rails API, D3.js, React Native, TypeScript, API Development, API Integration, REST APIs, Bootstrap, Full-stack, Elasticsearch, CSS, SCSS, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), 测试驱动开发(TDD), Code Review, Stripe, RSpec, Agile Sprints, 完整的开发, JSON, Redux, SAML, Rails Engines, Databases, Database Design, Team Management, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Leadership, Code Auditing, GitHub, Devise, Metaprogramming, Ruby Gems, Webhooks, 跨平台应用开发, 移动应用开发, Architecture, 前端开发, Front-end, Webpack, Rollup.js, Figma, OAuth, 单点登录(SSO), 响应的布局, 后端开发, SaaS, 后端架构, CSV, Integration, QuickBooks API, Haml, UX Design, GraphQL, React, PDF, NestJS, IMAP, Email Protocols, 数据库管理, Google Drive API, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Semantic UI, Jenkins, Agile, Mentorship, 技术领导, Project Scoping, 软件故障诊断, 系统集成, App Integration, B2B, 软件开发, Sass


2021 - 2021
  • 研究代码生成器应用程序的重要特性.
  • Implemented the Stripe integration for a saloon management system project.
  • Performed R&D用于主要代码结构和开发过程.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, Ruby on Rails API, REST APIs, Bootstrap, Full-stack, Redis, CSS, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), Code Review, Stripe, RSpec, Stripe API, Stripe Checkout, JSON, MongoDB, Twilio API, Payment APIs, Databases, Database Design, GitHub, Sidekiq, Webhooks, PHP, Architecture, 前端开发, Front-end, Webpack, 响应的布局, 后端开发, 后端架构, Hugo, CSV, Integration, AWS Lambda, Email Protocols, 数据库管理, Flask, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 内容管理系统(CMS), Jenkins, Agile, Project Scoping, 软件故障诊断, CircleCI, 软件开发, eCommerce


2019 - 2021
  • 对SaaS应用程序的主要特性做出了贡献, 包括SCCM集成代理, SAML, LDAP, 和SCIM协议, and the service desk alerts module with Zendesk and Jira integration.
  • 开发第三方集成, including SCCM, G Suite, and Okta, 从G Suite获取云软件, Azure AD, and Okta.
  • Implemented a complete configuration management database (CMDB) module with visualization using D3.js.
  • Built in-depth authentication and authorization capabilities and added a patch in the existing SAML gem to handle a major security bug.
  • Conducted technical interviews with the software engineers and engaged in code review sessions and technical discussions.
  • Received an award in 2020 for being an "Initiative Taker" for my work on a Rails upgrade and integration improvements.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), MySQL, SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, D3.js, REST, SAML, SCIM, Okta, Ruby, Ruby on Rails 4, Ruby on Rails 5, Ruby on Rails 6, APIs, HTML, Web Development, Back-end, Git, C#, React Native, LDAP, Docker, Django, API Development, API Integration, Ruby on Rails API, REST APIs, Bootstrap, Full-stack, Elasticsearch, CSS, SCSS, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), 测试驱动开发(TDD), Code Review, Perl, RSpec, Agile Sprints, Mobile Back-end, JSON, Heroku, Rails Engines, Databases, Database Design, Code Auditing, GitHub, Upgrades, Devise, Handlebars, Salesforce, Ruby Gems, Webhooks, 移动应用开发, 前端开发, Front-end, Webpack, OAuth, 单点登录(SSO), 响应的布局, 后端开发, SaaS, 后端架构, CSV, Integration, QuickBooks API, Haml, Cypress, UX Design, IMAP, Email Protocols, 数据库管理, Google Drive API, Data Feeds, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Semantic UI, Jenkins, Agile, Mentorship, Project Scoping, 软件故障诊断, 系统集成, App Integration, B2B, 软件开发, Sass

EZOfficeInventory |资产跟踪软件
An enterprise asset management and tracking product featuring asset management, a SaaS product, B2B, 会计软件. Some of the major features I worked on were requested by enterprise clients, such as NASA, Microsoft, iRobot, Nintendo, and Netflix. My significant contributions to features and integrations included the CMDB module, 服务台警报与Zendesk和Jira集成, Okta users, OneLogin users, SCIM, SAML, 谷歌API集成, LDAP模块.

AssetSonar | IT资产 & 业务管理软件
An enterprise IT asset management and IT服务管理 (ITSM) product that provides solutions for companies like iRobot, Netflix, and Nintendo. I worked on numerous features and integrations that helped increase product subscriptions from five to 250+ in two years. 我的主要贡献包括SCIM集成模块, SAML, SCCM, Google Cloud, OCS Inventory, Zendesk集成, LDAP模块.


An employee tracking system that helps companies engage with employees and track their daily activities. I contributed to task monitoring, time tracking, and attendance reporting modules. The administrator manages multiple departments/teams and sub-teams, 每个小组由一个组长和几个成员组成, and the admin functionalities are limited to their team(s) only. 其功能包括:

• Team/peer chat
• Time and attendance (remaining leaves, late count, attendance calendar
• Log times


An innovative management system I developed for marking and storing daily class attendance records. This intelligent AMS includes built-in correspondence that reduces the professor's effort. Attendance is automatically marked by listening to students' responses when their names are called. The system does this without the need for physical user interaction. Other functionalities include storing previous attendance records and an admin panel for adding names of professors and students.


一个网络应用程序,教师可以在线管理课程, 添加或删除学生, 布置作业或评估, 跟踪学生的活动, 并生成影响报告. Instructors can also add courses and topics to the portal and set learning objectives for each. I collaborated with the project manager and developed all the features.


SQL, JavaScript, SAML, Ruby, HTML5, CSS3, HTML, Python, TypeScript, CSS, SCSS, CoffeeScript, PHP, Haml, GraphQL, Sass, C#, Hugo, Java, Perl


Ruby on Rails (RoR), Express.js, Ruby on Rails 4, Ruby on Rails 5, Ruby on Rails 6, React Native, Bootstrap, Redux, Tailwind CSS, Material UI, Slim, Django, Scrapy, Cypress, Jest, NestJS, Flask, Next.js, Stimulus


jQuery, D3.js, React, Node.js, Ruby on Rails API, API Development, REST APIs, Stripe, Stripe API, Rails Engines, Devise, Handlebars, Sidekiq, QuickBooks API, Google Drive API, Twilio API, Rollup.js, EJS


Redux Thunk, Git, RSpec, Sequelize, Stripe Checkout, GitHub, Webpack, Figma, ChatGPT, OpenAI Gym, Jenkins, CircleCI


REST, 测试驱动开发(TDD), Database Design, Metaprogramming, 响应的布局, 后端架构, UX Design, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Agile, B2B, Microservices, Unit Testing


Heroku, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Docker, Firebase, Salesforce, AWS Lambda, New Relic


MySQL, PostgreSQL, Neo4j, Graph Databases, Elasticsearch, JSON, MongoDB, Databases, NoSQL, 数据库管理, Redis


Web Security, SCIM, SQL Server 2015, APIs, Web Development, Back-end, LDAP, API Integration, Full-stack, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), Code Review, Agile Sprints, Mobile Back-end, 完整的开发, Payment APIs, Team Management, Leadership, Code Auditing, Upgrades, Ruby Gems, Webhooks, 跨平台应用开发, 移动应用开发, Architecture, 前端开发, Front-end, OAuth, 单点登录(SSO), 后端开发, SaaS, CSV, Integration, PDF, Dry-rb, IMAP, Email Protocols, Semantic UI, OpenAI GPT-4 API, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Mentorship, 技术领导, Project Scoping, 软件故障诊断, 系统集成, App Integration, 软件开发, eCommerce, Estimations, Pixel Perfect, Okta, TypeORM, Data Feeds, 内容管理系统(CMS), 自然语言处理(NLP), SSL Certificates, 集成测试, GPT, 生成预训练变压器(GPT)

2015 - 2019





Educative, Inc.



Educative, Inc.



Educative, Inc.


使用Node进行服务器端开发.. js、Express和MongoDB







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